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425Hp | 1995-2001
AGCOSTAR 8425, McConnell 1000'e dayanıyordu, AGCO, 1994 yılında McConnell'i satın almıştı. 8425, Beyaz, Allis ve Massey müşterileri için gümüş, turuncu veya kırmızı boya ile mevcuttu.
The AGCOSTAR 8425 was based on the McConnell 1000, AGCO had purchased McConnell in 1994. The 8425 was available in silver, orange, or red paint for White, Allis, and Massey customers.
Factory:Coldwater, Ohio, USA
AGCO 8425 Engines:
Cummins 14.0L 6-cyl diesel
Detroit Diesel 12.7L 6-cyl diesel
full engine details ...
Dimensions & Tires:
Wheelbase:137.1 inches [348 cm]
Weight:29485 to 36118 pounds
full dimensions and tires ...
8425 Serial Numbers:
AGCO 8425 Power:
Engine:425 hp [316.9 kW]
Drawbar (tested):346.61 hp [258.5 kW]
power test details ...
Chassis:4x4 articulated 4WD
Steering:hydrostatic power
Brakes:hydraulic disc
Cab:Cab with heat and air conditioning.
Type:closed center
Valves:4 or 5
Pump flow:35 gpm [132.5 lpm]
360Hp | 1995-2001
177Hp | 2002-2004
215Hp | 2002-2004
215Hp | 2005-2008
235Hp | 2002-2004
235Hp | 2005-2008
240Hp | 2009-2010
260Hp | 2005-2008
250Hp | 2002-2004
265Hp | 2009-2010
290Hp | 2005-2008
290Hp | 2009-2010
320Hp | 2009-2010
52Hp | 2004-2007
56Hp | 2004-2007
71Hp | 2004-2007
83Hp | 2004-2007
77Hp | 2002-2004
100Hp | 2004-2006
100Hp | 2006-2008
94Hp | 2002-2004
105Hp | 2008-2010
110Hp | 2004-2006
110Hp | 2006-2008
115Hp | 2008-2010
105Hp | 2002-2004
128Hp | 2004-2005
128Hp | 2006-2007
135Hp | 2007-2011
127Hp | 2002-2004
150Hp | 2004-2005
145Hp | 2006-2011
144Hp | 2002-2004
150Hp | 2004-2005
170Hp | 2005-2015
170Hp | 2006-2011
161Hp | 2002-2004
166Hp | 2004-2005
185Hp | 2006-2011
200Hp | 2007-2011
215Hp | 2009-2011
22Hp | 2005-2008
22Hp | 2005-2008
23Hp | 2001-2004
28Hp | 2005-2008
28Hp | 2001-2004
33Hp | 2001-2004
33Hp | 2005-2008
33Hp | 2005-2008
33Hp | 2001-2004
40Hp | 2001-2004
40Hp | 2005-2008
44Hp | 2001-2004
47Hp | 2005-2008
52Hp | 2005-2008
55Hp | 2003-2004
46Hp | 2007-2008